
Lab 01, Exercise 03: Install emojify app

Objective: Install sample emojify app into Kubernetes cluster.

Step 1: Inspect emojify app configs

First, navigate to this exercise’s directory:

cd ~/service-mesh-training/exercises/lab-01/03-install-emojify-app/

Now take a look at the files in files/apps:

TODO: Add brief explanation for each item above. TODO: Add architecture diagram.

Step 2: Apply emojify app configs

kubectl apply -f files/app/

service/emojify-api-service created
deployment.apps/emojify-api-external-cache created
service/emojify-cache-service created
deployment.apps/emojify-cache created
service/emojify-facebox-service created
deployment.apps/emojify-facebox created
service/emojify-ingress-service created
configmap/emojify-ingress-configmap created
deployment.apps/emojify-ingress created
secret/emojify created
configmap/emojify-website-configmap created
service/emojify-website-service created
deployment.apps/emojify-website created

Step 3: Verify emojify app is running

With kubectl:

kubectl get pods

NAME                                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
emojify-api-external-cache-788c9964-vs688   3/3     Running   0          65s
emojify-cache-879fdccb7-4464c               3/3     Running   1          65s
emojify-facebox-7b4fdc8b5b-j4b46            3/3     Running   0          65s
emojify-ingress-7b697c574b-zhj76            3/3     Running   0          65s
emojify-website-5dd8ff4b55-jfn8z            3/3     Running   0          65s
jaunty-cheetah-consul-klfdj                 1/1     Running   0          6m44s
jaunty-cheetah-consul-server-0              1/1     Running   0          6m44s

Check emojify app tab:

Emojify app

Step 4 (optional): Emojify an image of your choice

Use the application to generate an emojified image.