
Lab 02, Exercise 1: Enable Connect Sidecar Injection

Objective: Enable Connect sidecar injector by applying updated helm chart.


Connect is a feature built into to Consul that enables automatic service-to-service authorization and connection encryption across your Consul services. Connect can be used with Kubernetes to secure pod communication with other pods and external Kubernetes services.

The Connect sidecar running Envoy can be automatically injected into pods in your cluster, making configuration for Kubernetes automatic. This functionality is provided by the consul-k8s project and can be automatically installed and configured using the Consul Helm chart.

Step 1: Inspect updated configs

First, navigate to this exercise’s directory:

cd ~/service-mesh-training/exercises/lab-02/01-enable-connect-inject/

Take a look at the updated Kubernetes config files in files/app.

Here we’ve added annotations which:

Once applied, Envoy will be injected into every pod and will handle all traffic between pods via localhost proxies. The API service will be able to connect to upstream services emojify-faceboox and emojify-cache. The ingress will be able to connect to upstream services emojify-website and emojify-api.

Emojify architecture

Step 2: Apply updated chart / configs

Now apply the updated config files:

kubectl apply -f files/app

service/emojify-api-service created
deployment.apps/emojify-api created
service/emojify-cache-service created
deployment.apps/emojify-cache configured
service/emojify-facebox-service created
deployment.apps/emojify-facebox configured
configmap/emojify-ingress-configmap configured
deployment.apps/emojify-ingress configured
secret/emojify unchanged
configmap/emojify-website-configmap unchanged
service/emojify-website-service created
deployment.apps/emojify-website configured

Step 3: Verify connect sidecars injected and running

Take a look at the Consul tab. You should see the Kubernetes pods listed under services:

Consul sidecar injection