
Lab 03, Exercise 01: Configure Envoy and Statistics

Objective: Configure Envoy to manage service-to-service communication and enable stats collection.


TODO: add diagram


First, navigate to this exercise’s directory:

cd ~/service-mesh-training/exercises/lab-03/01-configure-envoy-statistics/

In files/app you’ll find an updated set of Kubernetes configurations. If you compare these files with their counterparts from exercise 2, you’ll notice a number of changes.

Briefly, what we’re doing is:

Once you apply this change, the different components of the Emojify architecture will talk to each other though localhost, with Envoy proxying the requests.

Apply the updated configs with kubectl apply:

kubectl apply -f files/app

configmap/emojify-api-configmap created
deployment.apps/emojify-api configured
configmap/emojify-cache-configmap created
deployment.apps/emojify-cache configured
configmap/emojify-facebox-configmap created
deployment.apps/emojify-facebox configured
configmap/emojify-ingress-configmap configured
deployment.apps/emojify-ingress configured
secret/emojify unchanged
configmap/emojify-website-configmap configured
deployment.apps/emojify-website configured

To verify that Envoy has been configured properly and is collecting statistics by going to the Prometheus tab and running a query. Try api_service_health_called_count and you should see the following:

Prometheus query