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Adding a New Function#


Provider-defined function support is in technical preview and offered without compatibility promises until Terraform 1.8 is generally available.

Provider-defined functions were introduced with Terraform 1.8, enabling provider developers to expose functions specific to a given cloud provider or use case. Functions in the Assert provider provide a utility that is valuable when paired with Terraform tests or variable validation.

See the Terraform Plugin Framework Function documentation for additional details.


The only prerequisite for creating a function is ensuring the desired functionality is appropriate for a provider-defined function. Functions must be reproducible across executions ("pure" functions), where the same input always results in the same output. This requirement precludes the use of network calls, time-based operations, or other non-deterministic operations.

Steps to add a function#

Fork the provider and create a feature branch#

For a new function use a branch named f-{function name}, for example, f-equals.

Create and name the function#

The function name should be descriptive of its functionality and succinct. Existing examples include null, equals, and contains.

New functions can be created by copying the format of an existing function inside internal/provider.

Fill out the function parameter(s) and return value#

The function struct's Definition method will document the expected parameters and return value. Parameter names and return values should be specified in camel_case.

func (r NullFunction) Definition(_ context.Context, _ function.DefinitionRequest, resp *function.DefinitionResponse) {
    resp.Definition = function.Definition{
        Summary: "Checks whether a given argument is null",
        Parameters: []function.Parameter{
                AllowNullValue:     false,
                AllowUnknownValues: false,
                Description:        "The argument to check",
                Name:               "argument",
        Return: function.BoolReturn{},

The example above defines a function which accepts a dynamic parameter named argument and returns a boolean value.

Implement the function logic#

The function struct's Run method will contain the function logic. This includes processing the arguments, setting the return value, and any data processing that needs to happen in between.

func (r NullFunction) Run(ctx context.Context, req function.RunRequest, resp *function.RunResponse) {
    var argument types.Dynamic

    resp.Error = function.ConcatFuncErrors(req.Arguments.Get(ctx, &argument))
    if resp.Error != nil {

    resp.Error = function.ConcatFuncErrors(resp.Result.Set(ctx, !argument.IsNull()))

Register function to the provider#

Once the function is implemented, it must be registered to the provider to be used. This is done by adding the function to the Functions method in internal/provider/provider.go.

func (p *AssertProvider) Functions(ctx context.Context) []func() function.Function {
    return []func() function.Function{

Write passing tests#

All functions should have corresponding acceptance tests. For functions with variadic arguments, or which can potentially return an error, tests should be written to exercise those conditions.

An example outline is included below:

// Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0

package provider

import (


func TestNullFunction(t *testing.T) {
    resource.UnitTest(t, resource.TestCase{
        TerraformVersionChecks: []tfversion.TerraformVersionCheck{
        ProtoV6ProviderFactories: testAccProtoV6ProviderFactories,
        Steps: []resource.TestStep{
                Config: `
locals {
  example = null
output "is_null" {
  value = provider::assert::null(locals.example)
                Check: resource.ComposeAggregateTestCheckFunc(
                    resource.TestCheckOutput("test", "true"),

With Terraform 1.8+ installed, individual tests can be run like:

go test -run='^TestExample' -v ./internal/provider/