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Acceptance Testing Environment Variable Dictionary#

Environment variables (beyond standard AWS Go SDK ones) used by acceptance testing. See also the internal/acctest package.

Variable Description
ACM_CERTIFICATE_ROOT_DOMAIN Root domain name to use with ACM Certificate testing.
ADM_CLIENT_ID Identifier for Amazon Device Manager Client in Pinpoint testing.
AMPLIFY_DOMAIN_NAME Domain name to use for Amplify domain association testing.
AMPLIFY_GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN GitHub access token used for AWS Amplify testing.
AMPLIFY_GITHUB_REPOSITORY GitHub repository used for AWS Amplify testing.
ADM_CLIENT_SECRET Secret for Amazon Device Manager Client in Pinpoint testing.
APNS_BUNDLE_ID Identifier for Apple Push Notification Service Bundle in Pinpoint testing.
APNS_CERTIFICATE Certificate (PEM format) for Apple Push Notification Service in Pinpoint testing.
APNS_CERTIFICATE_PRIVATE_KEY Private key for Apple Push Notification Service in Pinpoint testing.
APNS_SANDBOX_BUNDLE_ID Identifier for Sandbox Apple Push Notification Service Bundle in Pinpoint testing.
APNS_SANDBOX_CERTIFICATE Certificate (PEM format) for Sandbox Apple Push Notification Service in Pinpoint testing.
APNS_SANDBOX_CERTIFICATE_PRIVATE_KEY Private key for Sandbox Apple Push Notification Service in Pinpoint testing.
APNS_SANDBOX_CREDENTIAL Credential contents for Sandbox Apple Push Notification Service in SNS Application Platform testing. Conflicts with APNS_SANDBOX_CREDENTIAL_PATH.
APNS_SANDBOX_CREDENTIAL_PATH Path to credential for Sandbox Apple Push Notification Service in SNS Application Platform testing. Conflicts with APNS_SANDBOX_CREDENTIAL.
APNS_SANDBOX_PRINCIPAL Principal contents for Sandbox Apple Push Notification Service in SNS Application Platform testing. Conflicts with APNS_SANDBOX_PRINCIPAL_PATH.
APNS_SANDBOX_PRINCIPAL_PATH Path to the principal for Sandbox Apple Push Notification Service in SNS Application Platform testing. Conflicts with APNS_SANDBOX_PRINCIPAL.
APNS_SANDBOX_TEAM_ID Identifier for Sandbox Apple Push Notification Service Team in Pinpoint testing.
APNS_SANDBOX_TOKEN_KEY Token key file content (.p8 format) for Sandbox Apple Push Notification Service in Pinpoint testing.
APNS_SANDBOX_TOKEN_KEY_ID Identifier for Sandbox Apple Push Notification Service Token Key in Pinpoint testing.
APNS_TEAM_ID Identifier for Apple Push Notification Service Team in Pinpoint testing.
APNS_TOKEN_KEY Token key file content (.p8 format) for Apple Push Notification Service in Pinpoint testing.
APNS_TOKEN_KEY_ID Identifier for Apple Push Notification Service Token Key in Pinpoint testing.
APNS_VOIP_BUNDLE_ID Identifier for VOIP Apple Push Notification Service Bundle in Pinpoint testing.
APNS_VOIP_CERTIFICATE Certificate (PEM format) for VOIP Apple Push Notification Service in Pinpoint testing.
APNS_VOIP_CERTIFICATE_PRIVATE_KEY Private key for VOIP Apple Push Notification Service in Pinpoint testing.
APNS_VOIP_TEAM_ID Identifier for VOIP Apple Push Notification Service Team in Pinpoint testing.
APNS_VOIP_TOKEN_KEY Token key file content (.p8 format) for VOIP Apple Push Notification Service in Pinpoint testing.
APNS_VOIP_TOKEN_KEY_ID Identifier for VOIP Apple Push Notification Service Token Key in Pinpoint testing.
APPRUNNER_CUSTOM_DOMAIN A custom domain endpoint (root domain, subdomain, or wildcard) for AppRunner Custom Domain Association testing.
AUDITMANAGER_DEREGISTER_ACCOUNT_ON_DESTROY Flag to execute tests that will disable AuditManager in the account upon destruction.
AUDITMANAGER_ORGANIZATION_ADMIN_ACCOUNT_ID Organization admin account identifier for use in AuditManager testing.
AWS_ALTERNATE_ACCESS_KEY_ID AWS access key ID with access to a secondary AWS account for tests requiring multiple accounts. Requires AWS_ALTERNATE_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY. Conflicts with AWS_ALTERNATE_PROFILE.
AWS_ALTERNATE_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY AWS secret access key with access to a secondary AWS account for tests requiring multiple accounts. Requires AWS_ALTERNATE_ACCESS_KEY_ID. Conflicts with AWS_ALTERNATE_PROFILE.
AWS_ALTERNATE_PROFILE AWS profile with access to a secondary AWS account for tests requiring multiple accounts. Conflicts with AWS_ALTERNATE_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_ALTERNATE_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY.
AWS_ALTERNATE_REGION Secondary AWS region for tests requiring multiple regions. Defaults to us-east-1.
AWS_API_GATEWAY_DOMAIN_NAME_CERTIFICATE_BODY Certificate body of publicly trusted certificate for API Gateway Domain Name testing.
AWS_API_GATEWAY_DOMAIN_NAME_CERTIFICATE_CHAIN Certificate chain of publicly trusted certificate for API Gateway Domain Name testing.
AWS_API_GATEWAY_DOMAIN_NAME_CERTIFICATE_PRIVATE_KEY Private key of publicly trusted certificate for API Gateway Domain Name testing.
AWS_API_GATEWAY_DOMAIN_NAME_REGIONAL_CERTIFICATE_NAME_ENABLED Flag to enable API Gateway Domain Name regional certificate upload testing.
AWS_CODEBUILD_BITBUCKET_SOURCE_LOCATION BitBucket source URL for CodeBuild testing. CodeBuild must have access to this repository via OAuth or Source Credentials. Defaults to
AWS_CODEBUILD_GITHUB_SOURCE_LOCATION GitHub source URL for CodeBuild testing. CodeBuild must have access to this repository via OAuth or Source Credentials. Defaults to
AWS_DEFAULT_REGION Primary AWS region for tests. Defaults to us-west-2.
AWS_DETECTIVE_MEMBER_EMAIL Email address for Detective Member testing. A valid email address associated with an AWS root account is required for tests to pass.
AWS_EC2_CLIENT_VPN_LIMIT Concurrency limit for Client VPN acceptance tests. Default is 5 if not specified.
AWS_EC2_EIP_PUBLIC_IPV4_POOL Identifier for EC2 Public IPv4 Pool for EC2 EIP testing.
AWS_EC2_TRANSIT_GATEWAY_LIMIT Concurrency limit for Transit Gateway acceptance tests. Default is 5 if not specified.
AWS_EC2_VERIFIED_ACCESS_INSTANCE_LIMIT Concurrency limit for Verified Access acceptance tests. Default is 5 if not specified.
AWS_GUARDDUTY_MEMBER_ACCOUNT_ID Identifier of AWS Account for GuardDuty Member testing. DEPRECATED: Should be replaced with standard alternate account handling for tests.
AWS_GUARDDUTY_MEMBER_EMAIL Email address for GuardDuty Member testing. DEPRECATED: It may be possible to use a placeholder email address instead.
AWS_LAMBDA_IMAGE_LATEST_ID ECR repository image URI (tagged as latest) for Lambda container image acceptance tests.
AWS_LAMBDA_IMAGE_V1_ID ECR repository image URI (tagged as v1) for Lambda container image acceptance tests.
AWS_LAMBDA_IMAGE_V2_ID ECR repository image URI (tagged as v2) for Lambda container image acceptance tests.
AWS_THIRD_ACCESS_KEY_ID AWS access key ID with access to a third AWS account for tests requiring multiple accounts. Requires AWS_THIRD_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY. Conflicts with AWS_THIRD_PROFILE.
AWS_THIRD_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY AWS secret access key with access to a third AWS account for tests requiring multiple accounts. Requires AWS_THIRD_ACCESS_KEY_ID. Conflicts with AWS_THIRD_PROFILE.
AWS_THIRD_PROFILE AWS profile with access to a third AWS account for tests requiring multiple accounts. Conflicts with AWS_THIRD_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_THIRD_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY.
AWS_THIRD_REGION Third AWS region for tests requiring multiple regions. Defaults to us-east-2.
CHATBOT_SLACK_CHANNEL_ID ID of the Slack channel.
CHATBOT_SLACK_TEAM_ID ID of the Slack workspace authorized with AWS Chatbot.
CHATBOT_TEAMS_CHANNEL_ID ID of the Microsoft Teams channel.
CHATBOT_TEAMS_TEAM_ID ID of the Microsoft Teams workspace authorized with AWS Chatbot.
CHATBOT_TEAMS_TENANT_ID ID of the Microsoft Teams tenant.
CLOUD_HSM_CLUSTER_ID Cloud HSM cluster identifier for KMS custom key store acceptance tests.
DX_CONNECTION_ID Identifier for Direct Connect Connection testing.
DX_VIRTUAL_INTERFACE_ID Identifier for Direct Connect Virtual Interface testing.
EC2_SECURITY_GROUP_RULES_PER_GROUP_LIMIT EC2 Quota for Rules per Security Group. Defaults to 50. DEPRECATED: Can be augmented or replaced with Service Quotas lookup.
EVENT_BRIDGE_PARTNER_EVENT_BUS_NAME Amazon EventBridge partner event bus name.
EVENT_BRIDGE_PARTNER_EVENT_SOURCE_NAME Amazon EventBridge partner event source name.
FINSPACE_MANAGED_KX_LICENSE_ENABLED Enables tests requiring a license to provision managed KX resources.
GCM_API_KEY API Key for Google Cloud Messaging in Pinpoint and SNS Platform Application testing.
GITHUB_TOKEN GitHub token for CodePipeline testing.
GLOBALACCERATOR_BYOIP_IPV4_ADDRESS IPv4 address from a BYOIP CIDR of AWS Account used for testing Global Accelerator's BYOIP accelerator.
GRAFANA_SSO_GROUP_ID AWS SSO group ID for Grafana testing.
GRAFANA_SSO_USER_ID AWS SSO user ID for Grafana testing.
MACIE_MEMBER_ACCOUNT_ID Identifier of AWS Account for Macie Member testing. DEPRECATED: Should be replaced with standard alternate account handling for tests.
QUICKSIGHT_NAMESPACE QuickSight namespace name for testing.
QUICKSIGHT_ATHENA_TESTING_ENABLED Enable QuickSight tests dependent on Amazon Athena resources.
ROUTE53DOMAINS_DOMAIN_NAME Registered domain for Route 53 Domains testing.
RESOURCEEXPLORER_INDEX_TYPE Index Type for Resource Explorer 2 Search datasource testing.
SAGEMAKER_IMAGE_VERSION_BASE_IMAGE SageMaker base image to use for tests.
SERVICEQUOTAS_INCREASE_ON_CREATE_QUOTA_CODE Quota Code for Service Quotas testing (submits support case).
SERVICEQUOTAS_INCREASE_ON_CREATE_SERVICE_CODE Service Code for Service Quotas testing (submits support case).
SERVICEQUOTAS_INCREASE_ON_CREATE_VALUE Value of quota increase for Service Quotas testing (submits support case).
SES_DOMAIN_IDENTITY_ROOT_DOMAIN Root domain name of publicly accessible and Route 53 configurable domain for SES Domain Identity testing.
SES_DEDICATED_IP Dedicated IP address for testing IP assignment with a "Standard" (non-managed) SES dedicated IP pool.
SWF_DOMAIN_TESTING_ENABLED Enables SWF Domain testing (API does not support deletions).
TEST_AWS_ORGANIZATION_ACCOUNT_EMAIL_DOMAIN Email address for Organizations Account testing.
TEST_AWS_SES_VERIFIED_EMAIL_ARN Verified SES Email Identity for use in Cognito User Pool testing.
TF_ACC Enables Go tests containing resource.Test() and resource.ParallelTest().
TF_ACC_ASSUME_ROLE_ARN Amazon Resource Name of existing IAM Role to use for limited permissions acceptance testing.
TF_AWS_BEDROCK_OSS_COLLECTION_NAME Name of the OpenSearch Serverless collection to be used with an Amazon Bedrock Knowledge Base.
TF_AWS_DATAEXCHANGE_DATA_SET_ID ID of DataExchange Data Set to use for testing.
TF_AWS_LICENSE_MANAGER_GRANT_HOME_REGION Region where a License Manager license is imported.
TF_AWS_LICENSE_MANAGER_GRANT_LICENSE_ARN ARN for a License Manager license imported into the current account.
TF_AWS_LICENSE_MANAGER_GRANT_PRINCIPAL ARN of a principal to share the License Manager license with. Either a root user, Organization, or Organizational Unit.
TF_AWS_QUICKSIGHT_IDC_GROUP Name of the IAM Identity Center Group to be assigned role membership.
TF_TEST_CLOUDFRONT_RETAIN Flag to disable but dangle CloudFront Distributions during testing to reduce feedback time (must be manually destroyed afterwards)
TF_TEST_ELASTICACHE_RESERVED_CACHE_NODE Flag to enable resource tests for ElastiCache reserved nodes. Set to 1 to run tests
TRUST_ANCHOR_CERTIFICATE Trust anchor certificate for KMS custom key store acceptance tests.