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Making Small Changes to Existing Resources#

Most contributions to the provider will take the form of small additions or bug-fixes on existing resources/data sources. In this case the existing resource will give you the best guidance on how the change should be structured, but we require the following to allow the change to be merged:

  • Acceptance test coverage of new behavior: Existing resources each have a set of acceptance tests covering their functionality. These tests should exercise all the behavior of the resource. Whether you are adding something or fixing a bug, the idea is to have an acceptance test that fails if your code were to be removed. Sometimes it is sufficient to "enhance" an existing test by adding an assertion or tweaking the config that is used, but it's often better to add a new test. You can copy/paste an existing test and follow the conventions you see there, modifying the test to exercise the behavior of your code.
  • Documentation updates: If your code makes any changes that need to be documented, you should include those documentation changes in the same PR. This includes things like new resource attributes or changes in default values.
  • Well-formed Code: Do your best to follow existing conventions you see in the codebase, and ensure your code is formatted with go fmt. The PR reviewers can help out on this front, and may provide comments with suggestions on how to improve the code.
  • Dependency updates: Create a separate PR if you are updating dependencies. This is to avoid conflicts as version updates tend to be fast- moving targets. We will plan to merge the PR with this change first.
  • Changelog entry: Assuming the code change affects Terraform operators, the relevant PR ought to include a user-facing changelog entry describing the new behavior.