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Provider Scaffolding (skaff)#

skaff is a Terraform AWS Provider scaffolding command line tool. It generates resource, data source, or function source files, along with test files which adhere to the latest best practices. These files are heavily commented with instructions, serving as the best way to get started with provider development.

Overview workflow steps#

  1. Figure out what you're trying to do:
    • Resource, data source, or function?
    • Name it.


    Net-new resources should be implemented with AWS SDK Go V2 and the Terraform Plugin Framework (e.g. the default skaff settings). See AWS Go SDK Versions, Terraform Plugin Development Packages, and this issue for additional information.

  2. Use skaff to generate provider code.
  3. Go through the generated code, customizing as necessary.
  4. Run, test, refine.
  5. Remove "TIP" comments.
  6. Submit a pull request.

Running skaff#

  1. Clone the Terraform AWS Provider repository.
  2. Install skaff.

    make skaff
  3. Change into the appropriate directory.

    • For resources and data sources, this is the service directory where the new entity will reside, e.g. internal/service/mq.
    • For functions, this is internal/functions.
  4. Generate the resource, data source or function. For example,
    • skaff resource --name BrokerReboot.
    • skaff datasource --name IAMRole.
    • skaff function --name ARNParse.

To get help, enter skaff without arguments.



skaff --help
  skaff [command]

Available Commands:
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  datasource  Create scaffolding for a data source
  function    Create scaffolding for a function
  help        Help about any command
  resource    Create scaffolding for a resource

  -h, --help   help for skaff


Generate the autocompletion script for skaff for the specified shell

skaff completion --help
  skaff completion [command]

Available Commands:
  bash        Generate the autocompletion script for bash
  fish        Generate the autocompletion script for fish
  powershell  Generate the autocompletion script for powershell
  zsh         Generate the autocompletion script for zsh

  -h, --help   help for completion

Use "skaff completion [command] --help" for more information about a command

Data Source#

Create scaffolding for a data source

skaff datasource --help
Create scaffolding for a data source

  skaff datasource [flags]

  -c, --clear-comments     do not include instructional comments in source
  -f, --force              force creation, overwriting existing files
  -h, --help               help for datasource
  -t, --include-tags       Indicate that this resource has tags and the code for tagging should be generated
  -n, --name string        name of the entity
  -p, --plugin-sdkv2       generate for Terraform Plugin SDK V2
  -s, --snakename string   if skaff doesn't get it right, explicitly give name in snake case (e.g., db_vpc_instance)
  -o, --v1                 generate for AWS Go SDK v1 (some existing services)


Create scaffolding for a function.

skaff function --help
Create scaffolding for a function

  skaff function [flags]

  -c, --clear-comments       do not include instructional comments in source
  -d, --description string   description of the function
  -f, --force                force creation, overwriting existing files
  -h, --help                 help for function
  -n, --name string          name of the function
  -s, --snakename string     if skaff doesn't get it right, explicitly give name in snake case (e.g., arn_build)


Create scaffolding for a resource

skaff resource --help
Create scaffolding for a resource

  skaff resource [flags]

  -c, --clear-comments     do not include instructional comments in source
  -f, --force              force creation, overwriting existing files
  -h, --help               help for resource
  -t, --include-tags       Indicate that this resource has tags and the code for tagging should be generated
  -n, --name string        name of the entity
  -p, --plugin-sdkv2       generate for Terraform Plugin SDK V2
  -s, --snakename string   if skaff doesn't get it right, explicitly give name in snake case (e.g., db_vpc_instance)
  -o, --v1                 generate for AWS Go SDK v1 (some existing services)