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Running the Tests#

Note: Acceptance tests create real resources in Azure which often cost money to run.

Acceptance Tests for each Data Source/Resource are located within a Service Package, as such the Acceptance Tests for a given Service Package can be run via:

make acctests SERVICE='<service>' TESTTIMEOUT='60m'

However as many Service Packages contain multiple resources, you can opt to only run a subset by specifying the test prefix/filter to run as shown below:

make acctests SERVICE='<service>' TESTARGS='-run=<nameOfTheTest>' TESTTIMEOUT='60m'
  • <service> is the name of the folder which contains the file with the test(s) you want to run. The available folders are found in azurerm/internal/services/. So examples are mssql, compute or mariadb
  • <nameOfTheTest> should be self-explanatory as it is the name of the test you want to run. An example could be TestAccMsSqlServerExtendedAuditingPolicy_basic. Since -run can be used with regular expressions you can use it to specify multiple tests like in TestAccMsSqlServerExtendedAuditingPolicy_ to run all tests that match that expression

The following Environment Variables must be set in your shell prior to running acceptance tests:


Note: Acceptance tests create real resources in Azure which often cost money to run.